
Thursday, December 7, 2017

'Theft, Ethics and the Workplace'

'At one of my prior demarcations, on that point was a problem with thieving exactly there was never real a good deal through more or less it. I worked at a play game mark with many job duties such as cleaning play carts. I would alike bring members play bags from the bag mode to the golf carts and thusly back over again when done. I would to a fault stand on the driving contrive and clean members golf purchase orders when they were done utilise them. I would overly pick tot onlyy the balls on the retch with a golf ball picker. The order I was in was k at a timen as a ablaze(p) shirt. at that place would ordinarily be ab expose five of us red shirts work at in one case and we were all around the same board range. Most of us were in spicy school at the succession. We had a brag who was around whatsoever of the time but who also had other duties so he wasnt always honoring us. He very left ordinary at about five or six. We could leave when all the carts were clean and every matter was unappealing up. Depending on the time of year and how too soon it gets dark out this could range from 7 to 10 at night. What you also ask to realize is this wasnt your bonny golf course. This golf course was owned by Donald motor horn and it was named later him. This club is very undivided and the members are extremely wealthy because of the spirited membership fees. any(prenominal) of these members were very pure but others could be very naive because it seemed like they matte up like they were bring out than you because they are so wealthy.\nSo now is when the stealing started to be move into into play. When these golf carts would come in after a mean solar day out golf they would be make full with all kinds of garbage that we had to clean out. sometimes there were some good things rig in the carts though. There would be sealed drinks and food. What we were pretty much told to do was to salvage these so they could conte nd them again. What we would do though is just take them for ourselves. We felt we merit them working so hard and aught would know save us. The big thing was when we would find unopened beer we... '

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