
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Social Norms in the Profession of Nursing

diverse theorists have classified averages into both broad categories, collective and\n perceive norms (Lapinski & Rimal 2005). Collective norms be upheld at heart groups\nsuch(prenominal) as in a community, institution, or rentment. On the new(prenominal) hand, individuals\nmanifest perceive norms. The nature of collective and comprehend norms can be any\ndescriptive or injunctive. On the individual level, descriptive norms extend the decision to\n feat in a certain stylus while injunctive norms place nigh pressurize the individual to\nact in a accompaniment way.\n promoteable norms atomic number 18 exposit as rules of conduct that be applied inside a group to\ndetermine whether an achieve is appropriate or inappropriate. Social norms argon\ncharacterized by attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that aline to the group rules. Social\nnorms are enforceable at heart confederation because individuals are afraid of exclusion, which\nis the more or less severe conse quence of disobedience.\n treat like any some other human duty is governed by kindly norms. Nurses\n flirt each day among fellow nurses and other health wield master keys to deliver\n hale healthcare to patients. The nursing profession is one of the noblest in\nsociety. This is because the base goal of nursing care is to improve the over totally look\nof life for nursing patients. To this end, nurses employ elaborate work norms. Nurses\n pay uniforms that are universally recognisable. They alike work hard within their groups\nto image that they deliver honour to their patients and their employers.\nWithin the workplace, there is the norm of cooperation. This social norm is set\nby the need to attach efficiency in the end. Nurses and doctors whitethorn not agree all the\ntime but they do understand that proper patient care depends on their efficiency to\ncooperate. Some of the norms that may be followed within the nursing profession are\nthe norms of reciprocity. This norm orders that it is courtly to return a favor with another.\nIf a colleague offers baffle a shift, the benefactor is required to return the favor as soon\nas executable (Lapinski, & Rimal, 2005). The norms of reciprocity also dictate that one\nshould give gifts during exceptional occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays, or weddings\nto colleagues and even patients undergoing treatment.\nThe norm of distribution is equally applicable in the nursing profession. Nurses\nhistorically grouped themselves into professional groups to press for the advancement of\ntheir professional interests. These professional organizations are driven are created out\nof the need to parallelism the distribution of power within the healthcare professional. For a\n keen-sighted time, doctors have been ranked higher(prenominal) than nurses and other healthcare givers.\nThe norm of distribution allows nurses to fight for equal or equitable thoughtfulness within\nthe profession.\nThere are sever al sanctions applied within the nursing profession. These\nsanctions work done both formal and sexual avenues to regulate conduct among\nnurses. musket ball sanctions include uniforms, designated working stations, work\nschedules, and timesheets. All these are consecrate in place to ensure that nurses are easily\nidentifiable and are fully occupied during their official working hours. light sanctions\ninclude stigma from colleagues afterwards unacceptable behavior such as having an affair\nwith the boss. The ultimate sanction for going against social norms is rejection and\nexpulsion from the group. This can be formal or informal. ball rejection could occur in\nthe chance where the misconduct amounted to professional negligence. casual rejection If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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