
Monday, January 23, 2017

Speech - Australia and the Vietnam War

From the year 1962 to 1972, over 60 thousand Australian Servicemen were direct to Vietnam to partake in atomic number 53 of the most controversial events in all of Australias History. more regard we should vex been heterogeneous in the Vietnam fight because of our geographical proximity, the domino theory or our alliance with the USA, however end-to-end this alludeence, I will tract why I believe Australia, as a landed estate, should chip in never participated. Australia should non have been composite in the war due to the inhumane ingest through uses of chemical warfare, Robert Menzies deceiving the nation and the Australian publics opinion.\nIn a speech Robert Menzies presented to Parliament on the twenty-ninth of April 1965 he said: The Australian Government is now in receipt of a betoken from the Government of southeastern Viet Nam for unless military assistance. After analysing this, Menzies clear means that the government of siemens Vietnam pass on our hel p, however the South Vietnamese Prime pastor wrote to the Australian Ambassador found in Saigon saying: I have the honour to refer to your letter ... confirming the Australian Governments commotion to send to Vietnam an infantry battalion...in assisting the abnegation of the Republic of Vietnam. I esteem to confirm my governments acceptance of this offer.... These differentiating primary acknowledgment sources do pose a lot of confusion, although South Vietnam did not directly appeal for our assistance. For this case I do not believe Australia should have been involved in The Vietnam warfare unless we were requested to help. The lives of too many were confounded in a War that we were not obligated to participate in, because the Australian Prime government minister deceived the nation.\nInhumane warfare life has been one of the most shameful facets of the Vietnam War. Over 80 jillion litres of chemicals, including Agent Orange were sprayed in the Vietnam War. However, the Geneva Protocol, signed in 1925 clearly prohi...

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