
Monday, January 9, 2017

Similarities and Differences - Major World Religions

To an outsider, Islam and Christianity could seem worlds apart. peculiarly in the current temper of terror attacks in the get a line of Islam, it is very easy for a westerner to push Islam as far away as possible from their own Christian culture. However, as we shall see, the real Islam and Christianity concord many major similarities, as well as their struggles.\n peradventure the approximately important and major difference is the two faiths location on the image of beau ideal. Christians turn over that perfection is made up of tierce equal split; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The three together are cognise as the Trinity. Nicky Gumbel says the most underlying analogy for this is a trigon: three sides further cardinal triangle. (Gumbel, 1995; cited in Manser, 1998, p.12) The trinity is peradventure one of Christianitys most difficult stumbling blocks for non-Christians. Christians believe that on that point is only one God, as illustrated in the Bible - You shall be in possession of no other Gods beforehand me (Exodus 20:3) Therefore Christianity considers itself to be a monotheistic religion. This is where the law of similarity lies between Christianity and Islam. Although Islam denies the judgement of a Trinity, and in fact, the very idea of it is blasphemous, they too are a monotheistic religion. Islam is built upon cardinal pillars of faith. The first of these is the Shahada, which is the proclamation that in that respect is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.\nFollowing on from this, it is important to mention the difference between the two faiths laws on portraying God through with(predicate) imagery. Islam declares that it is blasphemous to portray God in any image, such(prenominal) as a motion-picture show or sculpture. They believe that God is so beyond our instinct that to try and humanise him would be wrong. However, it is quite normal at heart the Christian faith to aim images of God. For examp le the painting on the Sistine Chapel roof in Italy by Michelangelo portrays God grasp out and touchin...

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