
Saturday, October 15, 2016

History of Britain\'s Educational System

The British shoal strategy is diverse, multiform and has been the subject of much tip over in recent decades. In this essay I allow for try to explain the British system of grammar schools and public schools and similarly discuss whether or non the system upholds the social differences in todays Britain. argon the old Etonians losing power? Schools in Britain argon divided into twain groups; state schools and independent schools. Grammar schools are state thirdhand schools. They are historically schools that came to prominence in the 16th century. The schools were attached to cathedrals and monasteries, statement Latin to future priests and monks.\nThe raw grammar school concept, however, dates back to the teaching Act 1944. Prior to 1944, auxiliary training after the years of 14 had been fee-paying, but like a shot the Act made it free. It as well reorganised secondary bringing up into two staple types; grammar schools and secondary modern schools. This system was called the numerous-sided system because it in like manner provided for a third type of school, the good school, but few were naturalised and the system was and then widely regarded as being bipartite. Grammar schools were mean to teach an academic computer programme to the most intellectually able-bodied 25 per cent of the school population. Pupils were selected by an examination interpreted at age 11, called the cardinal plus. Secondary modern schools were think for children who would be going into trades, and which therefore concentrated on basic and vocational skills. The system was controversial, many feared that the secondary modern schools were big(p) a second-rate education and that pupils would be branded as failures at the age of 11.\n on that point were two types of grammar schools under the system: There were more than 1200 maintained grammar schools, which were fully state-funded. There were also 179 direct-grant grammar schools, which took between one f orce and one half of their pupils from the ...

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