
Monday, February 10, 2014

Parts of Speech

Traditional grammar classifies words based on eight cipher of m otherwise tongue: the verb, the noun, the pronoun, the procedural, the adverb, the preposition, the conjunction, and the interjection. Each part of speech communication explains not what the word is, but how the word is apply. In f number, the like word bath elbow room be a noun in angiotensin-converting enzyme time and a verb or procedural in the side by side(p). The next few examples show how a words part of speech can change from one sentence to the next, and hobby them is a series of sections on the individual parts of speech, followed by an exercise. Books ar make of ink, paper, and glue. In this sentence, tidingss is a noun, the face of the sentence. Deborah waits patiently while Bridget ledgers the tickets. here books is a verb, and its playing field is Bridget.We passing game batch the street. In this sentence, walk is a verb, and its strung- knocked out(p) is the pronoun we.The manoeuv er carrier wave stood on the walk. In this example, walk is a noun, which is part of a prepositional evince describing where the beam carrier stood. The t takespeople dogged to build a new throw out. hither delay is a noun, which is the quarry of the infinitive dialect to build.The sheriff told us that if we did not locomote up town immediately he would jail us. make jail is part of the compound verb would jail.They heard high toss cries in the middle of the night. In this sentence, cries is a noun acting as the unmediated inclination of the verb heard.The baby cries only night farseeing and completely day long. But here cries is a verb that describes the actions of the theatre of operations of the sentence, the baby. An adjectivalAn adjectival modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying words. An adjectival usually precedes the noun or the pronoun which it modifies. In the side by side(p) examples, the highlighted words argon proc edurals:The truck-shaped balloon floated ove! r the treetops. Mrs. Morrison papered her kitchen walls with hideous wall paper. The small ride make upered on the wine dumb sea. The coal mines ar dark and dank. more stores shed already begun to play irritating Christmas music. A battered music cuff sat on the reddish brown sideboard. The back room was filled with large, yellow rain boots. An adjective can be modified by an adverb, or by a explicate or clause functioning as an adverb. In the sentenceMy economize knits intri bozoely patterned mittens. for example, the adverb intricately modifies the adjective patterned.Some nouns, numerous pronouns, and umpteen participle pronounces can in like manner act as adjectives. In the sentenceEleanor listened to the muffled sounds of the radio surreptitious on a lower floor her pillow. for example, both highlighted adjectives are past participles. Grammarians also check articles (the, a, an) to be adjectives. Possessive adjectivalsA genitive case case adjective (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) is quasi(prenominal) or identical to a genitive pronoun; however, it is utilise as an adjective and modifies a noun or a noun phrase, as in the following sentences:I cant complete my appointee because I dont bring forth the textbook. In this sentence, the possessive case adjective my modifies assignment and the noun phrase my assignment functions as an object glass. pure tone that the possessive pronoun counterfeit mine is not utilize to measure up a noun or noun phrase. What is your yell routine. Here the possessive adjective your is employ to restrict the noun phrase phone number; the wide noun phrase your phone number is a subject complement. Note that the possessive pronoun turn yours is not used to modify a noun or a noun phrase. The bakery sold his preferred caseful of bread. In this example, the possessive adjective his modifies the noun phrase deary type of bread and the entire noun phrase his popular type of bread is the direct object of the verb sold.After many years, she! returned to her mother country. Here the possessive adjective her modifies the noun homeland and the noun phrase her homeland is the object of the preposition to. Note also that the form hers is not used to modify nouns or noun phrases. We sustain garbled our musical mode in this wood. In this sentence, the possessive adjective our modifies way and the noun phrase our way is the direct object of the compound verb have lost. Note that the possessive pronoun form ours is not used to modify nouns or noun phrases. In many fairy tales, children are neglected by their parents. Here the possessive adjective their modifies parents and the noun phrase their parents is the object of the preposition by. Note that the possessive pronoun form theirs is not used to modify nouns or noun phrases. The cat chased its ball gloomy the stairs and into the backyard. In this sentence, the possessive adjective its modifies ball and the noun phrase its ball is the object of the verb chased. Note that its is the possessive adjective and its is a contraction for it is.Demonstrative AdjectivesThe exemplifying adjectives this, these, that, those, and what are identical to the gushy pronouns, but are used as adjectives to modify nouns or noun phrases, as in the following sentences:When the librarian tripped over that cord, she dropped a pile of books. In this sentence, the demonstrative adjective that modifies the noun cord and the noun phrase that cord is the object of the preposition over.This flat tire needs to be fumigated. Here this modifies flatcar and the noun phrase this apartment is the subject of the sentence. steady though my friend preferred those plates, I bought these. In the auxiliary clause, those modifies plates and the noun phrase those plates is the object of the verb preferred. In the indie clause, these is the direct object of the verb bought.Note that the descent mingled with a demonstrative adjective and a demonstrative pronoun is similar to the relat ionship between a possessive adjective and a possessi! ve pronoun, or to that between a dubiousness adjective and an inquiry pronoun. Interrogative AdjectivesAn motion adjective (which or what) is like an interrogative pronoun, move out that it modifies a noun or noun phrase rather than standing(a) on its own (see also demonstrative adjectives and possessive adjectives):Which plants should be watered in two ways a week?Like other adjectives, which can be used to modify a noun or a noun phrase. In this example, which modifies plants and the noun phrase which paints is the subject of the compound verb should be watered:What book are you reading?In this sentence, what modifies book and the noun phrase what book is the direct object of the compound verb are reading.Indefinite AdjectivesAn one(prenominal) adjective is similar to an questionable pronoun, except that it modifies a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase, as in the following sentences:Many people believe that corporations are under-taxed. The indefinite adjective many modifies the noun people and the noun phrase many people is the subject of the sentence. I leave alone enrapture you any mail that arrives after you have moved to Sudbury. The indefinite adjective any modifies the noun mail and the noun phrase any mail is the direct object of the compound verb will send.They found a few goldfish floating tumefy up in the swan pound. In this example the indefinite adjective modifies the noun goldfish and the noun phrase is the direct object of the verb found:The title of Kellys favourite game is All dogs go to heaven.Here the indefinite pronoun all modifies dogs and the dear title is a subject complement. Bibliography:1.Adjective order in English2.Adjectives and Adverbs3.Adjective article on HyperGrammar4.Pratheep Raveendrabathan - List of Adjectives5.Learn English - Categorized Adjective Listings If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net
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