
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Eastern Civilization

Running Header : EASTERN CIVILIZATIONWhen a nonage dissimulation much(prenominal) as Judaism or Islam becomes `absorbed by Chinese or Indian culture the end result is unremarkably a loss of tradition for the Jew or IslamicIn the beginning , clarified changes are made to adapt to the main rescript . Things such as conventional clothing or small unearthly tokens may be changed to fit within the absorbing night friendship s religious traditions but the main beliefs regarding feed , prayer and family supply remain the sameWithin time , however , they begin to adapt much and more than into the mainstream organized godliness . They start to set asunder current restrictions on food , an example existence the Jews in china changing their dietary beliefs due to the lack of availability of food suited to their religio us rulesInter weding is inevitable and this also contributes to the engrossment of the minority religion into the mainstream . The absorption of a culture or religion by a larger or more ascendant nonpareil has been documented through out(a) history . It damages two societies to a degree although the lesser religion is more adversely affected . acculturation gradually turned into immersion , as the Jews finally lost their synagogue , their knowledge and religious rite perpetrate of Judaism and the communal institutions that made them a distinct society HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol /www .questia .com /PM .qst ?a o d (Schwartz 1999 ,. 105This is non good for either society because it does non allow them to adopt their history and culture as pure . It becomes a miscegenation of their original religion or society and even when they attack to recover their religious and complaisant identities , some of what was lost is wasteful to be rediscovered and may be lost forever to subsequently generations T! here were hierarchical hearty systems in most traditional Asian cultures . These are commonly known as pack systems . They define the individual(a) throngings of people within a creation or cultureMost class systems were divided both politically and by toy up or trade . The high the club , the bankrupt the job or political position one would discover . The grade was according to the caste or social take aim that one was born into and would remain in throughout their lifetimePeople did not change caste levels or decease into a higher position in society , regardless of intelligence , work ethic or even marriageThere were fewer advantages to the hierarchy social system if one was born into a disdain caste . A person was expected to work , live and marry within their defined social group and it was very high-flown for anyone to do otherwise . In the example that a set down caste person marry a higher caste person , it did not progress the social status of the low er caste personOne of the few advantages of the caste system was the knowledge and tradition of each caste were individual . With the exception of not being able to move out of their social level , the castes were assuage to pursue their own religion , traditions and rulesThe disadvantages were...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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