
Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Now age every body uses a hypothesize technology, save do you know, what is meaning of that word. We fecal matter affirm that it is a good deal broader term as it takes lucid ideas, perception and views. In secular language we poop say that it is the evolution of idea. It arse be a thinking of a person by which he can improve an living thingumabob or set a new device that facilitates us. We can see that how much impact the technology has make in our life. Now days we can see some technological inventions, that without it, we can non imagine our life. either body is using the technology in both our person-to-person and professional life. It is important not just for those who create it scarce to a fault for those who use it in their day to day life. engineering is a big term. various people have different views and ideas about Technology. Technology also related to how companionship can be use to do tasks using people and machines. The discordant d efinition of technology which clears our thought about this is as follows & dogshit; Technology is not lonesome(prenominal) related to understanding the things but it is also related to follow through the things. & dump; It not only related the scientific knowledge but also include facts and practical knowledge. • Technology is a mixture of man, genuine and thing so we can pay off the product and revenge the goals. • Technology is the action of scientific development so that it can be proficient for human being. • It is a knowledge of creating tool and developing the skills so that we can do work the problem • It is the set of both hardware and software that encourage us to think better. Technology includes all the objects from pencil and piece to the in style(p) electronic gadget. All the above definitions are let or suitable in respect of technology. It includes vary capacious concept inside it. It is an appropriate use of natural r esources, so we can use these resources, in ! the development process. It a process of develop thinking that generates...If you want to get a climb essay, devote it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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