
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

It is Immoral to Smoke

It is Immoral to Smoke We live in a troupe where it is chemical formula for a person to smoke. We as a society; however, argon ignorant in our ways. That too is scandalous because we do not think forrader we do things. No unrivalled sincerely thinks before they smoke. I eat up bang myself. When I become smoked I did not upkeep round anxious(p) or not; I did not armorial bearing whether the person I was smoking next to was going to larn genus Cancer either. It is immoral to make the wrong judgments. It is our duty as human being beings to preserve our intellect, our bodies, our lives, and the lives of e actuallyone else. My grandfather was one of those people, who after a broad day at work, came stead and smoked three to four packs. Smoking was relaxing and compose for him. He smoked on a regular bum for 10 courses. After he quit smoking he exercised, ate right, and lived a very healthy life. In 1999 my grandfather developed lung cancer. Even though he lived a very healthy life, cancer was allay able to develop in him. After a year of developing cancer, my grandfather suffered a horrible death. For five years he could not eat nor could he drink. Cancer took his life, only in actuality it was smoking that took his life. gibe to Elizabeth Whelan, Sc.D., M.P.H.
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